Portland Bay Marina – Sailing
Portland Bay Marina is sturdy, well-maintained & secure. Although it has few facilities, it is close to toilets, showers, laundry, supermarkets, bars, cafes, and beaches. #thingstodo
As we were sailing through the Bass Strait Oil Fields there were oil rigs all around us. They appeared as huge monoliths that would have looked more at home in a Steven Spielberg movie! Into our second night sail we had eight oil rigs around us and, as the sun fell, they lit up like small cities in the night sky. The setting sun was a glorious ball of red and orange.
This part of our journey didn’t go totally according to plan. Our calculations for the time it would take to get to Refuge Cove from Port Fairy were slightly out. Someone…..(not me) came to the conclusion it would take us around 44 hours sailing at 5knots. We averaged 6.5knots, left a little earlier etc. Anyway, needless to say our calculation were all wrong for many reasons, and after 32.5 hours we arrive at Refuge Cove at 2000 on a very dark moonless night, and proceeded to feel our way blindly into the cove, drop anchor and go to bed (thank goodness for GPS).
We walk along the wharf, where we tied up, and found plenty to see. Firstly, we came across the crew of ‘Putty’s Pride’ hand-making their crayfish pots on the wharf. A lucky look into the water, at just the right time, revealed an eagle-ray swimming by. Another ‘local’ which hangs out at the boat ramp, is a fur seal. A Nankeen Night Heron turned up early for his night time hunting and posed for me on the wharf!
… it was time to explore this beautiful town; best described as quaint. Port Fairy is so neat and tidy; no litter, no long untidy grass, no rundown houses. On the contrary the people here appear to be very house proud. The town is full of old building and cottages that all appear to be freshly painted! All the white paint at the wharf area appears to be freshly painted….. there is no bird poo on anything… yes there are lots of birds around, but where they defecated before Thorfinn arrive I do not know…
We explore the world by land and by Sea. Our home, and usual mode of transport, is Thorfinn, our Adams-designed yacht. Trains, planes and automobiles get us to all the other destinations!
We share our travel tips, incredible destination, things to see and do, sailing, live-aboard life and cooking on a boat.
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