Alice Springs and the MacDonnell Ranges
Alice Springs and the MacDonnell Ranges. Stunning scenery, Standley Chasm, Simpsons Gap, N’dhala rock art, a ghost town and old gold mines. Accommodation – camping.
Alice Springs and the MacDonnell Ranges. Stunning scenery, Standley Chasm, Simpsons Gap, N’dhala rock art, a ghost town and old gold mines. Accommodation – camping.
Camping road trip from Darwin to Tennant Creek. Florence Falls, Mount Bundy Station, Mataranka, Daly Waters, Tennant Creek. Campgrounds & attractions, things to do.
Welcome to Central Australia’s ghost town. Established soon after gold was found in 1887, Arltunga was the first town to spring up in Central Australia, and soon some 300 people lived in there. Eventually, Arltunga had a police station, post office, as well as the government battery and Cyanide Works.
Florence Falls at Litchfield National Park is a great place to swim in refreshing waterfall water. The 2WD campsite at the falls is good. Great value with good amenities, large campsite, firepits and hot-plates. Magnetic Termite Mounds, 4WD Tracks and lots of walking tracks. There are also many waterfalls to visit.
Now there is another reason to visit Darwin! Not only is Darwin a melting pot of culture, natural beauty, markets and outdoor activities; it is now very much a place to visit if you are an art lover. Darwin has always had a rich culture of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art, and now it has a heterogeneous street art scene. #streetart #darwin #australia #northernterritory #mural
We arrived in Darwin on the 18th of October, around 1500, after a perfect 17 hour sail. We had been hoping to get to Darwin in time to catch up with our boy Kye who was going to be there for his footy trip. As it happened we beat him there by about five hours. We anchored just out from Stokes Hill Wharf, put the dinghy in and headed to shore to check out some of our old haunts… and some new ones. We headed in to the new waterfront precinct and had a look at the new wave pool. We then stopped at an Irish pub for a cider before heading to Stocks Hill Wharf for dinner. We both had steaks for dinner at Crustaceans on the Wharf. We could hardly eat any of the steak; we filled up too quickly, our bodies are not use to red meat anymore. I ate all the veggies and took the steak home in a doggy bag!
After visiting the Tip of Australia we sailed around to Seisia and anchored in the bay. Seisia is a lovely spot, well worth stopping for a look around. We took the dinghy down to Loyalty Beach Campground where they have a beach bar. It is a great spot on the beach shaded by a huge tree. We sat there and enjoyed a drink while we chatted on the phone to our boys. The next day we hitched a ride into Bamaga. Dwayne was wondering why nobody would stop for him….. he looked like a bloody yobbo! Anyway we finally got a lift with a young lad, Calum, who works at the servo…
We explore the world by land and by Sea. Our home, and usual mode of transport, is Thorfinn, our Adams-designed yacht. Trains, planes and automobiles get us to all the other destinations!
We share our travel tips, incredible destination, things to see and do, sailing, live-aboard life and cooking on a boat.
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